My Story

WARNING: What you are about to read could be shocking. If you are not aware of this phenomenon, you would probably not believe what I say. What you find here is what I have been experiencing since 2009.

When I was working at the IT department of  a multi national email marketing company  in US, I experienced something really strange.  It happened in the year 2009. I worked there as a business intelligence developer. In the first couples of weeks, everyone seemed to be nice and friendly. After the second week, I felt something was not right. All of sudden, I noticed a strange and bizarre behavior of some co-workers there.  I was treated differently by a group of people of the company (especially one particular group from IT department).  Some people were so rude. Some people passed hints on me. Some talked about certain things related to my personal life. Some talked about  things I said or did in my apartment. They frequently referred to places, restaurants that I visited couples of days ago. Some would follow me when I went to restroom or cafe. Some mimicked my actions, words and my dresses. Some people would jump on me while I was walking along corridors of the office building and pretended like accidents. Someone had scratched my car door while it was in the parking lot. Those incidents seemed like small mishaps. I had to pee several times  while I was at work. Sometimes I had to pee four times in two hours. I felt some vibration/needle like pain in my belly, leg and arm from time to time. Whenever I went to pee, a co-worker would follow me. Different people were doing this at different time. But when this happened everyday more than couples of times a day, I came to realize they were doing this purposely. Weeks later, there were some changes in the management in my team. Couples of people left the company. It appeared that one particular group were behind this. Some people were actually nice. Some of them seemed to be sympathetic to me. I was hired to do SQL and BI work. But they started giving me Oracle projects that I had never done before. I was given less work. Sometimes I was not given any task for weeks if not months. Even If I was assigned a task, it was not something important.  At the same time, this group tried to isolate me within the company. They were trying to humiliate me, control me, harass me, single me out, manipulate me and change my thought process.

Gradually, Harassment occurred even outside of the office. Whatever happened inside the office started to happen in public places too. Random people bumped on me while I was walking.  Someone was always watching me or following me while I was outside. A neighbor came in or left the apartment at the same time I left or came in. My neighbors started to harass me in various ways. My upstairs neighbor started jumping on the floor at night. Next door guy  banged my wall while I was sleeping. Some neighbors frequently slammed the doors. I had couples of car accidents during a short period of time. Wires of my car were badly damaged while it was at a garage overnight. The following day I was informed that  wires were eaten by rabbits. They did not pay me a penny for the damage. Instead, they charged me lot more for changing a water pump which was perfectly fine.  Basically, I was harassed 24/7.  I could not go to the grocery store, coffee shop, bar, gym, mall. You name it. I was harassed everywhere. Some of  the harassment tactics are strangers blocking my way using grocery carts, invading my personal space , cutting me off while I was walking or driving (This is called classical conditioning in psychology. Once you are harassed in this fashion for a long time, you would be so defensive next time you go to one of these places. You are stressed out. You are anxious).

They tried to isolate me from the society. Basically, They tried to put me under unofficial house arrest. I could not talk to anyone. Random people/friends/coworkers used directed conversation to harass me. Some tried to put the blame on me. Real perpetrators used different people to convince me that I was  just paranoid. I could not even talk to a woman. She may talk to me for couples of minutes. Couples of minutes later,  she is no longer  the same woman. Her tone is different. She is suspicious of me. All of sudden she wants to leave. When this happened again and again, gradually I lost interest in talking to people. Keep in mind, all these things I have described here are still happening. The intensity of the harassment is different from time to time. This is an unofficial house arrest. Luckily some people who knew what was going on tried to help me. (There were some nice people in the company too. Even the HR and training managers and many other people seemed to be nice people. It appeared that they did not have the power. ) However, gradually they were also not able to do anything. Soon, I realized that it was a carefully coordinated psychological harassment carried out by an organized group. I have been a victim of 24/7 covert electronic surveillance, psychological harassment, manipulation and mind control. This is also called organized stalking. What happened at the email company is called workplace mobbing. This is just one part of the harassment process. After a while, I could not take it anymore. I got sick couples of times. I had back pain, lose motion, head-aches, breathing problems, allergies, cough. I could not sleep well. I felt exhausted. I was so demoralized. I was depressed.

However, the surveillance had begun long before the second phase of the harassment(sensitization) occurred.  I believe this was happening even before I came to US. When I looked back at my past events and compared them with what was happening then, I came to know there is a clear pattern of this harassment. The surveillance had started when I was in Sri Lanka. I was in junior high school back then. (Maybe even before that. Maybe, since I was born. We never know. This may come from generation to generation). I had no idea about this until I was mobbed at the email company. (Even though I was suspicious of some of my past life events , now only I can understand why and how these events occurred. It was always t difficult to find a job. It was not easy to start a meaningful, intimate relationship with a woman I like. It was hard to meet people and make new friends that I like to hang out with. I had been bullied at many different places. I thought they all happened because of my fault or I was just unlucky. Now I know that my perpetrators have been denying my basic human rights for years. They have been sabotaging all my opportunities. They have been ruining my personal/social/dating relationships. They have been doing lots of evil acts. They have been trying to push me into the lowest level of the social ladder. (Many things happened in my life since then. Some of these events had changed my life forever). I clearly don’t know why they targeted me at the first place. Now I believe this is all about control. (Not just me but control of masses. )

But I must say that everyone is not bad. A one particular group wants to destroy my life. This is the same group who started bullying me at the email company. It was clear they were manipulated by an invisible force (The real perpetrators). They all have a common agenda. They have found a similar group in Sri Lanka too. Apparently, they all worked together. (Not necessarily they belong to the same race or religion). Those who started this at the workplace were able to recruit more people from different races, religions, colors, social levels, professions and political groups.  Slowly they were able to turn many people against me by spreading all sorts of lies and rumors. It seemed like they were able to recruit some of the local police officers too. I was followed by police cars for no reason when I went to work and back home. Some days, police cars were parked at the company parking lot. Apparently, they can recruit anyone from the society.  They manipulate not only me but also my friends, relatives, my family, co workers and even strangers.  All information about me is passed to my friends, coworkers, relatives and strangers by these handlers so that they are motivated to do or say negative things. (

Now, I am convinced that those who have access to mind control technology can manipulate people around me.  So they may not necessary recruit people to harass me. Instead the perpetrators remotely mind control people around me so that they harass me. (Maybe they use both methods). The perpetrators can make people act or think in a certain way. They can make people say certain trigger words. I believe they stimulate the brain of the person who interacts with me using mind control technology so that he/she tends to do negative things. I know it is hard to believe. But trust me, they have the capability to do so.  (However, I must say not necessarily everyone say or do bad things. So if the person is a really nice one, he/She may still choose not to do anything negative. Also, it depends on who try to mind control them. Mind control can be used for negative as well as positive reinforcement). Sometimes people are not aware that what they are doing is harmful. This is a no touch torture. My life has completely changed and harassment continues ever since. The perpetrators may have put me on a watch list as this author describes here.

Most large corporate workforce and many smaller ones have already been brought wholesale into this Network through ‘Occupational Health and Safety’ laws that require employees and employers to report anything in the workplace that might be considered suspicious or threatening activity. Anyone who is reported on is assessed (without their knowledge) to determine if they should be put on a ‘watch list’. Watch lists are a key aspect of the Network’s operations, and will be discussed further on. – The network(version one) by Anthony Forwood

Also see ACLU spy files article.

The following research article describes this situation below. This is the story of my life. This is exactly what I have been going through for last 4 years. Well at least I had a good support system before I was mobbed even at my previous workplaces.

Workplace mobbing 

This phenomenon has been called “mobbing,” “ganging up on someone” or psychic terror. It occurs as schisms, where the victim is subjected to a systematic stigmatizing through, inter alia, injustices (encroachment of a person’s rights), which after a few years can mean that the person in question is unable to find employment in his/her specific trade. Those responsible for this tragic destiny can either be workmates or management.

case study – Leif case :

Leif could not keep his job, nor could he get another one, as his medical history could be only too clearly seen in his job applications. There was nowhere in society where he could turn for help. He became totally unemployable — an outcast. One of the ironies of this case is that Leif had previously been employed by a number of companies where he had performed well, had been a good workmate and had been given good references by his employers. (We have found similar cases in Sweden, Denmark, Western Germany, England,Austria, USA, and Australia.)   

Psychical terror or mobbing in working life means hostile and unethical communication which is directed in a systematic way by one or a number of persons mainly toward one individual. There are also cases where such mobbing is mutual until one of the participants becomes the underdog. These actions take place often (almost every day) and over a long period (at least for six months) and, because of this frequency and duration, result in considerable psychic, psychosomatic and social misery. This definition eliminates temporary conflicts and focuses on the transition zone where the psychosocial situation starts to result in psychiatric and/or psychosomatic pathological states.

Phase 2: Mobbing and Stigmatizing
Many of the communicative actions which can be observed occur fairly often in everyday life. But within the framework of the harassment phenomenon, they have an injurious effect,as these actions are used consistently and systematically over a long period, with the intention of causing damage (or putting someone out of action). All the observed actions have the common denominator of being based on the desire to “get at a person” or punish him/her.Thus manipulation is the main characteristic of the event. What is shown to be manipulated is:
1. The victim’s reputation (rumor mongering, slandering, holding up to ridicule).
2. Communication toward the victim (the victim is not allowed to express him/herself,
no one is speaking to him or her, continual loud-voiced criticism and meaningful
3. The social circumstances (the victim is isolated, sent to Coventry).
4. The nature of or the possibility of performing in his/her work (no work given,
humiliating or meaningless work tasks).
5. Violence and threats of violence. 

Important note in preface to Heinz Leymann, “Mobbing and Psychological Terror at Workplaces,” Violence and Victims 5 (1990), 119-126.

This is from another article.

A few common ways in which harassment is expressed
1. Making rude, degrading or offensive remarks.
2. Making gestures that seek to intimidate, engaging in reprisals.
3. Discrediting the person: spreading rumors, ridiculing him, humiliating him, calling into question his convictions or his private life, shouting abuse at him or sexually harassing him.
4. Belittling the person: forcing him to perform tasks that are belittling or below his skills, simulating professional misconduct.
5. Preventing the person from expressing himself: yelling at him, threatening him, constantly interrupting him, prohibiting him from speaking to others.
6. Isolating the person: no longer talking to him at all, denying his presence, distancing him from others.
7. Destabilizing the person: making fun of his convictions, his tastes and his political choices.

In the workplace, employees who are psychologically harassed or psychologically tortured are often described as having the wrong interpretation of events, or having a “perception problem”, a “bad attitude”, and the wrong view of reality. They are then asked to consult a medical professional, a psychiatrist, and are then usually subsequently discredited and classified as having a psychological problem or mental illness.


Author Gail Pursell explains the 5 phases of workplace mobbing process.     5 phases of workplace mobbing process

Community Mobbing 

Gradually the harassment at work-place turned out to be a community mobbing as I explained before. It spread out everywhere I went. The perpetrators have been systematically destroying both my personal and professional life. They had been distancing me from my support groups by spreading various lies, rumors. They have isolated me from the society. The perpetrators have been constantly trying to push me into the lowest level of the social ladder. It is extremely difficult to make friends. Whenever I meet someone or a group of people, the preps approach them and poison them with negative thoughts. (But I believe some people also try to help me. The real perpetrators are so cunning and they can deceive those who try to help me). So eventually, the preps take control of friendship /relationship and manipulate my friends.  Still I try to stay positive. I decided to upload videos of my own experience at public places to social networking media like YouTube and let other people know what I have been going through. One of my goals is to educate people about this crime against humanity. If you are not a targeted individual, it would be very difficult to understand or believe what I say. People barely notice this crime even if this happens right in front of their eyes. This is happening in every country in this word today.

Harassment tactics:

Basically, I am under 24/7 electronic surveillance. My phone is illegally  tapped. My personal computer is hacked. My personal email and social networking accounts are hacked. My every move (even inside my apartment) is watched. Those who monitor me, share my very personal information, weaknesses, fears, likes, dislikes with my friends, co -workers, managers, relatives and even strangers so that they get offended. Some of them may hurt. Some of them may feel jealous of me. Some of them feel inferior to me. Some of them may feel hatred towards me. The perpetrators gradually feed the information. Keep in mind, whatever the perpetrators say may not necessarily be true. They manipulate or misinterpret it. Whenever someone gets offended/hurt, they can use my personal information against me to harass me. The stalkers spread lies, twisted rumors and half truth. By doing this, the perpetrators try to discredit me as well as motivate others into using verbal attacks, cyber bullying or any other type of harassment. I don’t have any privacy right now. The perpetrators use racial, religious stereotypes as well as any other differences to turn people against me. They could use anything such as race, religion, color, age, gender, region, profession, political opinions etc. They try to break all my support systems.  They divide people into different groups and try to turn one support group against another. The perpetrators try to sensitize me to certain objects, sounds, words, that are related to a previous stalking incident. After I am sensitized to these words, objects or sounds, they ask my friends, co-workers to use these words during our conversations. The stalkers try to make me look like a crazy and paranoid person.  Lots of people participate in this stalking game. Some of them think this is just a simple joke. As they don’t see the complete picture, they don’t fully understand the sinister side of this program. Let alone dating it is extremely difficult to make any friends now. The perpetrators try to convince the audience that I am anti-social or I am a loner. The truth is the perpetrators prevent me being socialized by using various psychological harassment tactics. I was a very healthy, active, friendly and fun loving person before I experienced this harassment.

Some of other harassment tactics are gas lighting, cyber bullying, trolling, slander campaign, brightening (flashing lights by random drivers at nights), staging car accidents,  crowding at public   places, invading my personal space by strangers at public places, manipulating traffic lights while driving, creating artificial traffic on the roads or around the neighborhood, financial losses, noise campaign such as door slamming or banging walls by neighbors, rumbling car or motor cycle engines loud inside my apartment complex, honking, synchronization,  monitoring and electronic harassment by neighbors, mail tempering , delaying service at public places, keeping me waited in long lines,  anchoring, baiting, black mailing, mimicking my actions and words, sabotaging my job opportunities , blacklisting me in the job market, ruining my financial , professional and personal life . I cannot describe here some of other things they have done. This program is designed so that when a target try to explain what he/she experiences , the target appears crazy or paranoid.

Who is behind spying?

They are everyday citizens. Apparently, some people from many community organizations like neighborhood watch, large corporations, religious organizations, city utility workers, senior citizens, fire fighters, local law enforcement officers, some officials from local fusion centers participate in this stalking game. It could be anyone from the society. Many of them are deceived and manipulated by the perpetrators. Also I have a feeling that real perpetrators are trying to divide people into different groups based on their religion, ethnicity, skin color, profession , social level etc and use them against me. They are using age old tactic called divide and rule to turn people from different groups against me. Vast number of people have no idea that they are being manipulated to harass and intimidate innocent people. Criminals, drug dealers and street thugs also seemed to be involved with this stalking game. For some reason, one group can do more harm compared to another group. This does not mean everyone who participates in this stalking game does bad things to me. Some are actually acting like guardians.  Everyone in a group/organization/neighborhood watch is not necessarily bad either. But some people actively engage in these stalking activities for various reasons.  Ordinary people are encouraged to participate in stalking activities. People are motivated to commit these hate crimes by instigating racial, religious, social level, skin color, different professional stereotypes. There are people who try to take advantage of my situation. There are people who are trying to degrade the quality of my life. There are people who are trying to put me into the lowest level of the social ladder. There are people who want to destroy my life. There are people who try to blackmail me. They are people who want to push their own personal agenda.  It does not matter where I live. They know everything. Once I move into a new area, a new groups in the local area are recruited and my personal information is shared with them. Also new groups also gather my information and report back to perpetrators. Everyone may not say bad things. Everyone may not report back. But some do. Now I know it for sure. I believe some of them(may be group leaders) have the capabilities of accessing the surveillance program. (It could be a software that pinpoint my exact location. Also these local groups may be able to listen to all my phone conversations, read my emails ,personal Facebook messages etc or else they get all these information from those who monitor me) . Even if I go to another country, still the perpetrators can track me. Still they can harass me. The same comedy is scripted by different groups. The intensity level of the harassment is different from country to country. So apparently this is an international network. So this could be collaborative work of rogue elements of intelligence agencies around the world. They may have infiltrated to every part of the society in this world. They are using community groups to spy on fellow civilians and even harass targeted civilians.  Once someone is on this watch list, his/her fate is at the mercy of these community groups. If they are decided to mess your life, you are on your own.

Job loss and unemployment :

It appears that I can no longer find a job in my field. Whenever I get an interview, those who want to sabotage my career, convince the employer that I am not a suitable person.  They are trying to convince the audience that I am not able to do anything.  Those who destroyed my professional career want to justify their actions. So they continue the harassment. They do not want me to work for a new company.  They do not want me to get to know new people.  Especially they do not want me to get to know influential people who may have ability to help me. The perpetrators are afraid of being exposed.  They may feel safe as long as they can convince the audience that what they had told about me is true. For me, it is obvious what they are doing. But it is barely noticeable for outsiders unless someone knew the whole thing from the very beginning.  The perpetrators use my friends and relatives to convince me that I need to do an odd job. They try to convince the audience and I that this is a very normal situation and no one sabotages my job opportunities.  Now, it seems like even if I get a job, I would be underpaid and most probably it may not be something related to my past experience. They are trying to destroy all my skills. They want to make me a useless person. They do everything possible to demoralize me. Once I am no longer tolerate their BS, they say he is not good at IT. He should do something else. Since 2009, I have been working on small projects. My salary has been decreased gradually since 2009. I was doing nothing for weeks sometimes. In couples of years I will forget things I have learn t so far. When I don’t use something, I easily forget it. Automatically I will no longer be able to take any interviews. Once this happens, my perpetrators would not have to do anything new to ruin my life. The perpetrators control every aspect of my life. Not only they ruined my professional life, they also destroyed my social life. This may be the same group or a different group. They have been trying to change my behavior. They do not let me make any friends, date any woman, go to social events. Even If I go there, they make sure I would not meet someone I can get along with.

Psychological warfare:

How everyone thinks about me depends on  carefully manipulated propaganda. Perpetrators share my personal information the way they want. They know how to deceive the audience. Many people do not believe that I am going through a hell. Some people notice my bad luck. Still they think it is just a coincidence. Either they are honestly not aware of what has been happening to me or they are afraid of accepting the truth.

Also the way everyone thinks about me depends on how the people around me (my friends, neighbors, co-workers and even strangers) report back to the network/surveillance system. If they say good things, the harassment is considerably less. If someone says a bad or negative thing, the harassment is severe. So I have to be very careful of befriending people. I have to be careful of what I talk. I need to be very picky. If I want to make new friends, I have to select pretty much perfect people who would not get offended easily. If one of my friends or a neighbor or a coworker gets offended, I may be in trouble. I may not get the job I want. I may not be able to date a woman I really like. I may not be able to hang out with people I like. Let’s say I did not get along with a rude person. This person happened to be someone from different race, religion, skin color, region, age group, social level, profession etc. Or he/she could be from the same race, religion or color etc. This person can report back to the network that I don’t get along with people from his/her race, religion, skin color, region, age group, social level, profession etc. If the person is from the same race and religion,then he/she plays a different card. Even This person can say I hate them. Basically, personal conflict is generalized. I believe this is done by the perpetrators. Maybe it is the system (rogue elements of intelligence agencies) or people them self. One thing I surely know is severity of my harassment depends on people who come into my life. Someone may say why I care what other people think about me. Well we live in a society. We all are part of it. Humans need to interact with other human beings. We need to interact with people from opposite sex. When the perpetrators manipulate my personal information, they can basically control who I am going to befriend with. They can control my social network. They control every aspect of my life. Because of this psychological warfare, I don’t get a chance to talk, hang out with people I like. I don’t get a chance to date a woman I really like. I don’t get my dream job. All my dreams and life plans are shattered.
I usually like urban, educated (not nerdy), open minded, fun, fashionable,independent  people. Because of the propaganda, I mostly meet people who have complete opposite personalities, likes etc. When I meet a woman, there is a high probability that she is 20 years older or younger. I rarely meet someone around +/- 10 years of my age. This could be because of the following reason. When I was in my late 20s, I dated someone around 22 or 23. (No need to say why it did not work). One of my friends or neighbors might have observed this and reported back to the system or the loosely connected network. Ever since that group think I only like women in early 20′s. They tell this to everyone who comes into my life. So my new friends, neighbors also start to think that I only like women in early 20′s. The danger is when this happens, women in all other age groups stop talking to me.  Let’s take another example. If I talk to a tall guy, the perpetrators convince everyone else that I only get along with tall guys. So all the short guys stop talking to me. The perpetrators can manipulate any situation. If I say, I don’t like small size girls, the perpetrators try to convince the audience that means I like big size women which is not necessarily true. I like average body size women. If the perpetrators decide not to let me date or even talk to any woman, they can actually make it happen. That is what they have been doing so far. Not only they try to confuse me, but also they try to confuse my friends as well. My friends, relatives do not know what I really like anymore. Different groups say different things. However, all these groups can be manipulated by one group at the top level. Either they want to destroy my life or they want to prove everyone that what they have been telling about me so far is true. Once I move to a new state or country, groups in the previous location pass the information to new groups. Different groups may pass different information. They pass it the way they want. (I am not sure this is done by intelligence agencies directly or by loosely connected social group. Most probably, information may be passed by both groups). Again, if the first group thinks that I am going to like the second group and first group may not be able to control my life anymore, the first group may try to spread disinformation among the 2nd group so that they would have negative impression about me. Always groups can control what other people think about me. Not necessarily everyone says bad things.

Sometimes, the perpetrators script certain events to convince the audience that I am an alcoholic or I am such an irresponsible person etc. Different groups script different events. After I was mobbed at my company, I noticed that the perpetrators do not let me see a good-looking woman. Let’s say I sit close to a good-looking woman in a coffee shop. The perpetrators get someone to sit in between that woman and I. Believe it or not they do another thing. if I am going to sit next to a good-looking woman in a bus, the perpetrators get to know it promptly. Again they get someone to sit next to her. So that they make sure I would not even get a chance to talk to a good looking woman. I know many people would not believe this. I can give you another example. After the second stage of my harassment, I am not very comfortable of talking to people. If I talk to a working class person, my perpetrators convince everyone else that I can only get along with poor working class people. So where ever I go, I only get a chance to talk to that type of people. That really freaks me out. I can tolerate this for couples of times. After a while, I am sensitized to them. When this happens again and again for a long time, I tend not to talk to that type of people. Then perpetrators accuse me that I am arrogant big headed, ignorant person etc. You see how the play this game?

When my perpetrators generalized certain events , scenarios, they go to extreme ends. As an example, sometimes they say. “he is a super rich person.He does not have to work”. When I resist, they quickly change it to other extreme end. They try to convince everyone else that I am a really poor guy so only people I can get along with are poor people. Either way they always put me in a tight spot

I have been experiencing this harassment since 2009. The perpetrators have been doing this even before 2009. But I had no idea about those types of scripted events until I was mobbed at the email company. Couples of people had clearly gotten offended and reported back something really bad about me. I try to explain this in details under psychological warfare section of this blog.

Like I said before everyone is not bad. But even those who used to support me have sidelined now because of what evil people do. I know I am not the only one who is going through this. If you read this, please educate your friends and family about this crime against humanity. No human being is deserved to be treated like this. 

Updated on 09/28/2016 : I am convinced that when I interact with someone, that person can be remotely controlled by mind controllers (yes they not only control me but also control people around me. That is what I believe. I could be wrong). I think those who have access to mind control technology can make people act in a certain way. They can make people say certain trigger words. There can be more than one group who have access to mind control technology. When one group control a person, He/she can be nice to me. When he/she is controlled by another group, it could be a different situation. That does not mean that people around me are not responsible for whatever they do. When their brain is stimulated to act in a certain way, it is up to them to act or not. Street theater and scripted events are best examples, People act like pawns on a chess board.  They don’t even know that they are being manipulated by mind controllers. There can be lots of evil people in this world. They try to take advantage of my situation. They hate you even if you did not do anything wrong. Some of them are really jealous of me. Some of them are rude to me. However, there are nice people too and I have not lost my faith on humanity yet.

For further information please watch my personal videos on YouTube. Also please read “psychological harassment and psychological manipulation” and “coercive persuasion and mind control”. I have posted links on the top right side of this blog. 


773 thoughts on “My Story

      1. If you want to know who to blame for the weapons that are used for this it’s Los Alamos New Mexico. Look at acoustic infrasound after looking at the people who worked on it and put it out to communities for use.

        Click to access Bunker.pdf

      2. I have pics that my cctv security cams recorded that are beams of light coming straight down from the sky. One is the size of a softball and floats around outside my front and back door. One night it was blue. Also blue waves that really mess up my cameras. I want to show these to as many TI’s that i can.. I have also tried to send them to the FCC but got no response. I am being hit day and night with electronic harassment and want someone to investigate. I would love some suggestions as to who to send these to. Also if anyone wants to see them email me at Thanks

        S Malone

      3. I tried that while in Portland Oregon, I contacted a local reporter and gave him a summation of what had transpired. He was very interested and we spoke on the phone after a few emails. He said he wanted to write my story. I never heard from him again. All I can think of is a Handler got a hold of him and he got scared.

      4. I saw a news piece that had about 6 people from a community and they did a local news report about gang stalking. It was a very short story that only ran for a few minutes. The Goal here is 60 minutes or maybe even 20/20 that is a accredited news program. We could get many of us to tell our stories for one segment of the show. The public is very Naive about a lot of things.

      5. I am having my posts deleted. I did respond twice with the news stories you requested. They are either blocked or deleted. It is getting worse. They have ruined 3 hard drives for my pc’s I have to swap out to keep active online. Also my wife and youngest grown child are actively helping the handler to target and harass me. I caught them in a lie. I have never in my life been in such a dark place as what to do about this insanity. I will try again to post these news stories

      6. Please keep in mind that the perpetrators want you to think your family is against you too. That is not true. The truth is the perpetrators mind control anyone around you including your family members so that you try to distance from them. Their ultimate goal is to isolate you. Please don’t fall into their trap. I know its not easy.

      7. Thank You so much for the response and encouragement.. I cannot tell you how much this hurts me. I know that they are trying to alienate me from my family but it seems to be working. I know my wife is lying to me about her knowledge of this harassment.. I do not know how to stop this from happening. I have told her in depth how they would try to coax her to a relationship of some kind. She is overweight and middle age and I feel vulnerable to their tricks. What do I do? Just sit by and watch them destroy my life. I would rather be alone then be with someone I do not trust

      8. I have been gangstalked for past more than 20 years, even when i read about it on the net, i just couldn’t believe it, They have ruined me physically, mentally, socially, financially, I am a living dead, I wanted to get married and have children but I have been so brutally defamed that even I personally believe that I myself should never marry, they have even community stalked me, people know about it but will never speak. It is the worst crime against humanity, can you help me, I mean have they installed any chip inside me or its something else, is there any means available on this earth to stop this forever, can a neurologist help, What should I do????

      9. I am really sorry to hear that you are also going through the same. But please remember you are not alone. I believe they have more than one programme for mind control / behaviour change experiments. They may not need chips anymore. I don’t know for sure. I guess they use satellite technology to locate us. I wish I could help you. However don’t give up. Still there are some nice people in this world.

      10. Exposure and the grace of God is one only help. I find it very strange that many people are so willing to think or believe you have a disorder.

  1. I use your article of my story as a part of my action against GangStalking EMF harassment. Thanks and please upload more article to help us .
    Kakoli Bandyopadhyay

    1. My name Gaby Rosaldo iam heavly target been burn all our body’s eyes nose I have blind disabled son they burning him and my pets in PALM SPRINGS CALIFORNIA 760 997 2260 PLEASE I NEED CONTACT SOMEONE HIGHER RADI AM BEEN ASK FOR HELP BUT POLICE , FBI FED GOV MANIPULATION

  2. I have been gangstalked now for about 5 years and it’s getting worse. They are poisoning my air and I moved twice. Feeling sick. No one believes me ,and I was put in a hospital once for a week. By the grace of God I got out. I am praying for this to be unfolded ,and revealed in the light. I will share all of your articles and others with people that I know. I wonder what I could do to help our society who is being targeted. I will pray that we can form a group to fight this situation in Gods power…Pray

    1. Hi Naomi
      You are not alone. They have ruined our valuable lives completely. Only thing we can do is fight back. There are good people who try to help us. We have to bring this issue to the public. Stay strong.

      1. How to stop this, this is the worst thing someone can do to anybody, the most cowardly act ever in human history, how to stop voice to skull, this is inhuman and intolerable

      2. RG Unfortunately I don’t know how to stop this. But I do feel like some good hearted people try to help me. One thing we can do is bring this issue to the public.

      3. In my case the public already knows it but no one is helping as of now, the gang stalkers are defaming me badly, I am a female and I am afraid what all they can do

      4. RG…It may look like everyone is against us. But still there are some nice people in this world. I am a male. But I believe its actually a group of female professionals who try to help me. Stay strong.

  3. Hi

    Recently I had a very strange occurence. I phoned my mother, she was repeating the same sentence over and over, like a robot. She didn’t hear me, I tried to end this strange conversation, but she didn’t react, so I had to put the phone down. What is going on here? Any clues?

      1. But she was like a robot, she repeated the same over and over. Maybe “they” control her mind, maybe she is just playing a role?

  4. I am being gang stalked for around 15 years, i was experiencing strange things everywhere and during that time a neighbour who used to abuse through verbal sexual harassment, when he thought that i might complaint to police, he spread high level defaming roumers about me and degraded my life and suddenly my life was upside down, everywhere I went either for giving exams, the horrendous sounds followed, at home, outside station, everywhere, my life turned into a living hell which was already a hell the day the asshole came to live in the rented apartment next to our house, thereafter I obtained a professional degree with real torture where i could not explain anything to my family or anyone else who thought that I got mad, i even pills for depression, only to end up gaining weight, later in the mid of the abuse, unaware that what actually it is I gave several interviews and got selected in a company and where i met a guy and due to some misunderstanding everything started and like i thought he likes me and suddenly one day it was like he thought we should get married but everything was through indirect communication,i sensed something fishy as if everything is happening so fast and how can in this whole world he can like me ever and that too for marriage, I thought he is mad or just unaware of what incident happened with me in my neighbourhood where a lot of drama happened, so from thereon I started to make attempts to talk to him but somehow everytime he either disconnected or messaged something which did not relate to the actual matter and stiil indirectly i was being conveyed a lot through his facebook page and thee in a twist came into my life i got selected into a new company and to my surprise everyone in the company knew about me and slowly slowly one day I got to know that my mind is being read and the worst part is that too in an extremely wrong manner, they further degraded me and character assassination even got worst, and the indirect messages on the facebbok continued, later, everywhere on roads, relatives, friends etc. just made a mockery, one fine day i searched the net got to know that something like gangstalking exists but still i never believed it but today after six years of that incident i now realise that the ganstalkers want me to get married to that particular guy with whom i have not had any direct conversation since past seven and no indirect facebook conversation since one year. To my surprise i did knew about my situation better than me at that time and he just got to know that i have started to like me but whenever I wanted further talk to him he always restrained and that was because he probably knew that since i am not aware of the facts completely i might just say no to him because i was in a confused state of mind. Today, after seven years the guy is still unmarried, i am being indirectly forced to get married to him, I have been brutely defamed everywhere, any new place i go, my professional life got ruined, people thought that i only think sexual because i am mad, they disregarded me, me and that guy have been named and shamed at every place, be it our institute, college, offices, relatives, professional coleouges, neighbourhood, friends, any place i join even if it is an online class, they just follow everywhere, i can sense terror, the pschyological terror at every where, people don’t like to talk to me, they think i am a wrong girl, why can’t i understand, we live in a conservative society where such a thing is nothing less than dying, even i attempted suicide few times but could not succeed, i am in a living hell since past 15 years, they just want me to be to ok with such kind of situation and get married to him anyhow without taking any steps and without asking questions, all my dreams have shattered, What should I do?

    1. ait until we all get together and sue the crap outta them coast to coast, it is going to be soooo easy… all we gotta do is round up our wagons… and sally forth… what is your story Miss?

  5. for me, it started when I rejected some gals related to law enforcement in Billings MOBtana way back in 1990 and I told a drunk sheriff to FOff and schooled him on the actual law, what has transpired over the past 28 years is amazing, but I laid bait on them to track and see who, where, how, and lemme tell ya… they’re all crooked, mentally ill, narcissistic, sell the dope for the budgets coast to coast, the rest is all for show, it started long before I was born, they’ve had this bs in place for centuries, I scare them, they glom together because they are weak, and they’re losers who got no real knowledge, cops, feds, judges, banks, courts, mob, church, the whole system, and a bloodline they cannot contend with… all they do is run and sell drugs FOR THE ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION… against the SECOND CONSTITUTION… y’all should learn it is DC, London, Rome, the EMPIRE… and what I speak of is no lie… do your homework.

  6. PS: learn narcissism, the mob/organized crime and the military involvement, the cartels, Constitution 1 and Constitution 2 of the USA, Tavistock (London), phone phreaking/open air transmissions (cell phones are just radios), didja know all the NAZI’s ran ass TO America, and our gov’t agreed at the end of WWII, the rest they tell ya is just bs.

  7. I am also a Targeted Individual. As far as I know, it possibly dates back to my childhood but I am not certain. I only started noticing strange happenings while in my adulthood. I have to admit that they really laid it on me when I was in my thirties.

    As far as the targeting is concerned, I have dealt with their street theater and psychological warfare including their COM system, work-mobbing,electronic harassment not to exclude lasers and psychotronic weapons, and so much more.

    Keep fighting the good fight and know that you are not alone. It has been quite some years since my targeting began but, as of now, they have lightened up. It took some time but now I can say that I may be on my way to living a normal life again. At least I hope so anyway.

    You can find my story at…

    Good luck to you and yours. I will continue to pray for us all. .

    1. Hi there, it’s got to be the worst thing done to a human being, being tormented alive. For some reason mine seems to have ceased for now ever since my severe suicide attempt back in may. Im luckey to be alive and well today. But I went thru almost 4 years of a severe targeted nightmare. Im no longer able to work as they infiltrated my jobs. But I’m grateful to have family to help me for now. Im trying to lead a somewhat normal life now, still I think back to all I endured doesn’t seem fair. Seems to happen to good hearted people. Stay strong im glad yours is getting better also. I will say it had changed me forever. Peace, Julie

      1. Julie, go to a temp agency. Think of any and all females in your life, cuz that is where it starts. The boys are at work, after all. and most of them are boys, their entire lives, ever notice that? I can and willingly will also inform you of the advancement of humanity via eugenics and something from the frikking moon, and I am not kidding. : ) this is part the reason WHY… they pull this bs. until you catch them that is. see, they want to test peoples limits. they’re p-sick, mentally ill, scared little kids, worried and fear filled, and at some point and time, you stood up to them for yourself, all there is to it, besides the genetics. you take care out there, they’re all ugly inside and out. obviously. and watch your phones, home and cellular. I’ll inform you all about that as well. and what ‘religion’ are you, possibly, because that will give me a great indicator.

  8. Hello everyone I haven’t posted on here for awhile. I have said this numerous times but everytime i write something it amazes me when i think that my gangstalking can’t get any worse than it is. Everything that is happening to me seems to be like gangstalking on steroids. There is an old comment on here from the creator of this site that I think is very true about the technology and techniques of gangstalking are only used by those in the higher echelon of this program. I stumbled upon this manual which shows mk-ultra and cointelpro tactics manual. here is the link check it out. it is very interesting and pretty much shows exactly what many of us are complaining about in our own lives.

    Click to access mk-ultra-project-manual-for-organized-gang-stalking-operations-psychological-656d7ca8-d00f-47d0-bdae-7e6941fdfa4b.pdf

    1. This MK-Ultra Gang Stalking Manual for Operations on Gang Stalking is Amazing and what I have been looking for 6 years now. Everyone that comes in Contact with this manual needs to download it and pass it around to the general public so we can educate people who are clueless to our plight. I would ask anyone reading this to download and Disseminate this material out into the public

  9. I have been targeted for over 16 years. I’m questioned, belittled, told how ugly and disgusting I am. I am threatened, and he/they threaten my children and 2 grand on a VERY regular basis. He or they play recordings of what sounds like me and other people or family members speaking to each other but those conversations NEVER took place! He or they have had someone pretend to be my deceased daughter and deceased husband! What the hell is wrong with this world?? There is SO much more that I’ve been put through and am still going through. They threaten that I’m going to prison which they have said is 6 and 10 feet under. They also said they want one of my children in prison for something they are lying to me about only bc they want to hurt me more. It’s NEVER ENDING!!!

  10. Technology has been developed that facilitates whole-group consciousness suppression. What does that mean exactly? It means, effectively, that whole groups of people can be mass hypnotized. Hypnosis is the (temporary or not) suppression or “turning off” of the consciousness. At the end of the day, all mind control is really hypnosis. When the hypnotist uses the pocket watch, he is engaging in the induction part of the process (suppression of consciousness). If you’re gang-stalked, it’s because you can’t be hypnotized, so you notice other people who *are* hypnotized. You are in the 1-2 percent of humans who are truly not hypnotizable, and therefore a potential “problem” for the quantum system that now rules major portions of the globe.

    Any intersex related genes in your genetic tree will facilitate this immunity to hypnosis. Other genetic traits can also promote “hypnosis” immunity. Most gang-stalking really amounts to being a hypnotic response to the mass hypnosis system (run by an international corporate aggregate (defacto gubmint really)).

    In most cases, the harassers do not remember what they said/did. This is exactly the way it usually works during hypnosis. If you accuse them of doing something, they will snap out of hypnosis and will look at you with a blank unknowing face, and ask you what the hell you’re talking about. If you watch carefully you can see the facial changes when hypnosis ends. Unless they have initiated conscious communication to a friend who accompanies them, they will not make links in their own brain to any of the stuff done under hypnosis, and will not remember anything.

    This is the purpose of directed conversation. If one person is made to say something under hypnosis, then another (consciously aware) person might hear it (a companion, for instance). This puts the conversation on the conscious level for at least one person, and so it is remembered. The hypnotized person normally will not remember anything during the hypnosis, but if the conscious person makes another related statement in the same conversation, after the hypnosis ends for the first person, then that person also locks in the memory. It is a way to distribute propaganda for the quantum system.

    You can’t really blame these controlled people. They are momentary puppets (the hypnosis can be turned off/on in approximately 1/20 of a second – 42 milliseconds actually). The off/on action facilitates directed conversations. Very often, these people won’t have a clue about what happened. They’ll deny it, and a good look at their face will let you know they are telling the truth. Most people are very transparent with their facial expressions and feelings. They are as innocent as the guy quacking like a duck on stage under the spell of the hypnotist, who does not know why the audience is laughing after he snaps out of it.

    The hypnosis is done with either “hard” or “soft” technology. The hard technology is the smart phone signal or other similar “hard” signals, and the soft technology is UV light (more complicated). There is too much involved to get into the details here, so just remember that it is tightly tied to conversations such that the on/off hypnosis can work very well. It’s also computerized, so it’s very quick.

    The most important thing to remember is to never be angry with these people. In the vast majority of cases, they’re simply pawns under hypnosis because they don’t have your genetics to resist. You are among the rare crowd (1-2) percent.

    Best Regards, Good Luck, and stay cool/calm/collected

    – The Scientist

    1. The statement you made about hypnosis seem to me to make a great amount of sense to me. It would seem that my spouse is one of those people that are easily Hypnotized. I know after 28 years of marriage she would never betray me on purpose. I did however catch her taking my keys to probably give to a handler so the scumbag could gain access to all my carefully locked up things. I have also overheard her tell one of my children that I would be going to prison. She is a very loyal person so when these things transpired I was perplexed as to why. I have long versed her on Security Service Stalking and the low life filth attached with it.
      She knows there games and not to get caught up in them.

  11. This article is stupid and vague. The target is not listening to the bullshit you want it to think or blame if confronted and look like a fool.

  12. Same things happened to me. Due to the targeting, my writing abilities are nil to none. And I was Phi Theta Kappa, just prior to this horror show started on me. This leaves me speechless. I know we’re under constant enhanced, disturbing, Orwellian, inhumane, barbaric A.I. surveillance. Add weapons such as biological, satellites, cell towers and drones (Sheriff confirmed). I am targeted with psychological warfare tactics for years. My perception is altered. Vehicles constantly trying to run me off the road. Some drive over the line straight at me. Motorcycles and loud trucks are used on me (vibrations) for the weapon system to burn me. We’re obviously in a major depopulation. Its a genocidal agenda.

    They we’re working on the AI SKYNET system for years to take us out. What you’re witnessing are completely taken-over, mind controlled slaves with no self-awareness. Whereas we TIs have awareness. Apparently, that makes us dangerous to the creators of this sadistic man-made matrix.

    I am sincerely sorry you’ve been placed into this hell and feel saddened for all of us. We have been lied to our entire lives by the infiltrating animals, covertly, now semi-overtly by a nation of treasonous, murderous and barbaric traitors.

      1. I am a TARGET INDIVIDUAL in Baton Rouge, La. I have the same gang stalking experience.

      2. Peter, in Louisiana they are not just following harassing. They are also executing citizens.

      3. Some are pushed to hypnotic rages to act out…almost like a show then put down cause he’s a lunatic…as they post it on news like a trophy…I’ve been held at gun point two hit and runs assaults Carr accidents poisoning radiated…stalked threatened V2K nearly constant…these are supposed to be my commerades….stay strong dear…doing good resisting these demons….stay at it….

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